Type of Request ---ReclamationSuggestionQuestionOther
Contact Person / Yhteyshenkilö (required)
E-mail (required)
Contact Info / Yhteystiedot (required) Company name, address
Subject / Otsikko (required) Short summary
Problem Description / Kuvaus (required) How did the problem occurred (how do we reproduce the problem)? What was the correct / expected result? What actually happened? Was a solution attempted?
Product(s) / Tuote (required) Product type, ie. FD-8000B2, FD-3600
Serial Number, Part Number or Part Description / Sarjanumero, osanumero tai kuvaus (required) Serial Numbers are on the type plates under the foot rest of the patient chair, inside FD-8000B unit door or FD-8000P unit column
Software and PCB Version / Ohjelmisto- ja korttiversio Software version shown on display at start up. Circuit board name and version on board.
Attach file / Liitetiedosto (pdf/jpeg/jpg/png/zip)
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