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Year 2000 almost 40 % of 5 years old, over 50 % of 12 years old and approx. 75 % of 15-years old had teeth damaged by caries. Finnish school children are brushing their teeth more often nowadays according to the School Health Promotion study by National Institute of Health and Welfare of Finland. Year 2017 less than half of the 8th-9th graders and the boys from the vocational schools are brushing their teeth twice per day. Approx. 60-75 % of the girls are brushing teeth twice per day.

The School Health Promotion (SHP) study monitors the well-being, health and school work of Finnish children and adolescents. Approximately 236 000 respondents participated in the survey 2017. The study reached 80% of the age group in 4th ah 5th grades, 63% in the 8th and 9th grades and 51% in upper secondary schools.